Brand Identity

Role: Designer, Illustrator, Art Director
Time Frame: 2022
Sophay Duch, LCSW is a Khmer-American, first generation immigrant, Licensed Clinical Social Worker. When my sister came to me to help craft her brand, it was important to keep her audience in mind. The concept of this logo was centered around the idea of Know history, Know self. No history, No self; a saying that emphasizes the importance of understanding how one’s background and history is intertwined with self.
Given that most of Sophay’s audience would be Cambodians who are genocide surviving refugees, it was all the more reason to tie the logo back to our own roots. A huge part of history was wiped from the face of the earth during the genocide, and it has been a pivotal point in lots of modern day Cambodian trauma. Cambodia’s mythological story of being founded as a country by Neang Nheak became a symbol of strength, resilience, and our history as Cambodian people.